
目前顯示的是 3月, 2011的文章

100年[勞委會職訓局] 多媒體網頁與資料庫整合班

台中技術學院 推廣部 -  課程學科介紹  (  網路概論、動畫概論、資料庫概論...等等) -  課程 軟體實作 ( 軟體 DW,Flash & PHP, MySQL  )    本課程以DW為主要網站架構、CSS、java script語法輔助,Flash首頁動畫、選單並建立資    料庫網站( PHP,Apache伺服器,資料庫MySQL, 資料管理程式phpMyAdmin),以一購物資料   庫網站為案例快速入門、顯示促銷商品、查詢商品, 以及子網頁的應用、加入分頁功能、使    用表單來搜尋及變更資料內容等等方式進行, 讓您學習軟體的整合運用 。 - 課程 適合初階,有網頁基礎更佳 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 報名日期:100,3/26~4/22 開課日期 :100,4/25~6/20 上課時間 :一、三、五 ,PM6:30~9:30 報名連結  Link ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Use design thinking to extract the threads from the giant hairball

Use design thinking to extract the threads from the giant hairball Written  by   Joyce Hostyn   on  February 25, 2010 -  3 Comments Categories:  ECM ,  change ,  design thinking ,  mess [Design thinking] is the ability to create new options and build new products, services and experiences that gives design so much power. It is the ability to understand deeply cultures from digital social media networks to small villages in southern India that gives design its power. – Bruce Nussbaum   I first came across the term design thinking a several years ago, through the writing of Tim Brown and  Bruce Nussbaum , two early champions of the approach.  A designer by background, a former boss nudged me towards  buyer personas , which started me on an exploration of the world of sales and marketing.  This broadened my view into one that didn’t just focus on “user” but on the messy organizational context in which that person worked, the business problems faced by those organizations, and the challe

Design Thinking: A Strategy for Innovation

Design Thinking: A Strategy for Innovation Posted by @dTblog under  Process ,  Uncategorized Overview of this Post:  This is a quick look at the concept of Design Thinking in a business environment. Thoughts on this Post:  I like the graphic representation of this process and thoughts offered. When design principles are applied to strategy and innovation the success rate for innovation dramatically improves. Engineering, medicine, business, architecture, and painting are concerned not with the necessary but with the contingent—not how things are but how they might be—in short, with design. (Simon, 1996, p. xii.) A design mind-set is not problem-focused, it’s solution focused, and action oriented. It involves both analysis and imagination in problem-solving. Design thinking is at the core of effective strategy development and organizational change. The profession of management needs a re-design. Henry Mintzberg, in the  Globe and Mail , (03-16-2009) asserts the excessive focus on an

“word clouds”「字雲」

W ordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends. Create your own.  講重「詞」 Wordle 可以分析文本的詞頻,將結果美美的呈現出來,或者說,產生「字雲」(word clouds)。 點選網站首頁上方的 Create ,畫面上有個文字輸入框,如下圖  在框中貼入文字,按Go即可呈現結果。 你還可以自訂外觀,如字型、顏色、排列方向。 目前不支援中文,網站創始人Jonathan Feinberg在FAQ中提到因為表意文字的數量太大(影響程式回應與頻寬)以及斷詞問題,所以不支援,但歡迎任何熟悉這種文字演算法的人來指導他。 可以貼多少內容?我戰戰兢兢貼入一份英文版安徒生故事,約2MB,約40萬英文字,結果,沒問題!不過請注意,因為文字量大,貼入的過程會慢點,可不是瀏覽器當掉了,完成貼入之後按Go跑出來的速度也還好,但是,瀏覽器開始頓頓的,若要恢復正常,離開網頁畫面即可。 下圖是安徒生故事的分析結果,最常用的字是little,以Microsoft Word計算實際出現1854次。 最近上任的美國第44任總統歐巴馬(Barack Obama)就職演說中最常提到的字是什麼呢?請忽略applause一字,那是他演說中間眾人鼓掌。有意思的是new一字,正吻合當今求變的時代。 也許未必是用字特徵,但有時還真帶著時代精神,如上述歐巴馬的new。底下是美國總統林肯(Abraham Linc

由 草圖概念構想、發展設計 至 電腦繪圖的設計過程

由  草圖概念構想、發展 設計  至  電腦繪圖 呈現的設計 過程: 參考下列網址: http://www.theherreradesigns.com/packaging.html     [  theherreradesigns   ]