
目前顯示的是 4月, 2009的文章

Principles of Design 設計法則

Principles of Design 設計法則 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 設計法則 - Usability 使用性設計 設計法則 - Prototyping 原型設計 設計法則 - Interaction 互動設計 ◎ 如使用與轉載請註明出處 Reporter :Chen, Hsuan-CHu Emotion Course Adviser :Guan, Shing-Sheng @NYUST 雲科大/設計學研究所- 感性學 2009.5 By HsuanChu,Chen

MIT Course Management SystemMIT 麻省理工學院 線上課程

MIT Course Management System MIT 麻省理工學院 線上課程系統 2009


聯通紙器─紙盒紙箱製作過程 紙器製作流程 資料來源: AsiaHowTo 華語影音知識平台 http://www.asiahowto.com/player.jsp?id=97 在現代生活中的每個角落,我們都可能看到紙器的身影, 這是因為紙器環保的特質,所以很多地方都大幅的利用紙材取代金屬或塑膠。 但是各種不同的紙材都有其不同的特性,可以應用的方法也有所不同, 所以在設計並製造紙器時,也需要經過科學化的設計與製程; 本片介紹國內知名廠商三合紙業的生產流程,並採訪該公司各部門的資深主管, 希望能讓各位一窺紙器生產的原理與步驟。 資料提供 : 三合紙業

"紙箱王" 參訪,心得與感想::::::::::::::::::

:: 紙箱王 參訪 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 國立台中技術學院 商設系 設三A/四A ;時間:2009/04/12 感謝 紙箱王 黃總經理、薛副總、曾副理、邱主任 ,在百忙當中的熱情介紹與款待 讓同學們在紙結構部分 <盒子銀行> , 都有耳目一新的新感受 ! 有為之一振的新動力~! 真正的最新技術與實務運作,在這裡都可以感受得到 ! 畢竟業界的營運與管理,都自己有一套不簡單的知識運作模式 ! KingBOX 讓人覺得不虛此行,有如獲至寶的感覺 ,值得同學們再去幾次~! ~   HsuanChu,Chen  陳炫助 . 2009.4.27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 相關連結 BOXBANK 盒子銀行  http://www.boxbank.com.tw/ 站外站  http://boxbank.blogspot.com/ 金唐紙品有限公司  http://www.ctpaper.net/


影音資料來源: HowTooMedia CIS設計流程 http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=iz6LaVZ14oc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbY0eh8-8Us AsiaHowTo 商業設計師 生涯規劃 http://youtu.be/Aez2tT_TU7o

Logo 設計過程:Vivid Ways 為例


WebMYnd 公司設計 Logo 的過程

本文轉載自   http://webdesignerwall.com/tutorials/dache-logo-design-process Getting started Initially, I took the brief at face value and brainstormed some ideas. I wanted to create a concept using the initial from WebMYnd and the first concept which was produced as as follows. The simple lines created an abstract reference to a brain (an idea which the client had experimented with but did not like the appearance of a brain. This design captures the essence of a brain but at the same time forming a ‘W’. This concept was discontinued however as the ‘W’ was not clear enough and it did not have the presence that the client was looking to achieve. I therefore focused on colour and did some research for inspiration. I am a great fan of the works of Wassily Kandinsky, a Russian artist, printmaker and theorist. One of the most famous 20th century, Kandinsky has been credited with painting the first modern abstract works. Below is one of these works from which I took inspiration as to

Logo 企業商標 講座 2005 Trends For logolounge.com 〒 名片工房 - 名片製作 名片設計 專家 〒

Logo 企業商標 講座 2005 Trends For logolounge.com 〒 名片工房 - 名片製作 名片設計 專家 〒 : "By Bill Gardner The word 'trend' seems to raise the little hairs on the back of some designers' necks. Everybody wants to be a you-know-what-setter; no one wants to acknowledge the aftermath. But as we march toward LogoLounge.com's fifth anniversary, we've discovered that trends have become something impossible - and maybe unwise - to ignore. With 20,000 logos now on the website, and with the ability to watch the switches and sways of creativity as it reveals itself through a real-time compendium of identities all over the world, we have learned that noting trends is not so much like reporting history as it is considering what might be next. Trends are not an accusation of some widespread lack of original thinking. Instead, they are a sign of design evolution in our ever-shrinking world. Think of them as confirmation that designers are excellent thermometers/barometers of human thinking the

Interaction Design - Second Edition

Interaction Design - Second Edition

[ 教學文件]

FTP 申請 步驟 , websamba 定義網站 , define website 切割畫面: 影像處理軟體分割web網頁畫面

product innovation and industrial design

product innovation and industrial design


線上學習 : "Google Step By Step 教學簡報聯結(可下載)"

tonypack的工業包裝設計部落格 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格

tonypack的工業包裝設計部落格 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格

Gallery: How Google Got Its Colorful Logo

Gallery: How Google Got Its Colorful Logo

HMS Course

Ergonomic design and evaluation of wire-tying hand tools H.M.S. Course Presentation by :HsuanChu ,Chen HMS Course Adviser : Man-Lai, You sourse from http://docs.google.com/Presentation?id=dhbk6svr_47d35r8mfv